Violet Ivy’s latest stories, comments and insights sent straight to your inbox!
What’s this site all about? After many years in the sex industry I was encouraged by friends, family and clients to share facets about an industry which has been veiled in secrecy since time began.
I enjoy entertaining and educating those who may never have the opportunity to get a real, insider’s story. This site also allows me to interact with readers from every corner of the globe and to act as an agony aunt of sorts. To show a little of the real me behind the professional persona.
What others have said about my writing…
‘Is this woman real? She must be. You couldn’t make this story up. I feel that I know her, the way she thinks, her motivations.’….Mel H, Birmingham, England.
‘Very Belle de Jour.’ Fred C, Port Douglas, Australia
‘Good to see the Aussie perspective. You go girl! Can I take you out for a drink sometime? I know you’ve got more stories to tell.’ Dirk B, Brighton, England.
Why sign up?
-Laugh and cry at the behind the scenes goings on.
-Be the best at dinner party conversation and tit bits
-Get access to my years of experience in every facet of sex.
Sign up today for free stories directly from my life as an elite, international escort. Just click on the link below. Personal contact information is never shared or sold to a third party.