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Book 2 - Sex & Sexuality


Inside this book you will find some ‘out of the ordinary’ friends I have met in my travels. It’s amazing how mainstream these people look when they are on the train or bus travelling to work. None of them have two heads or gills. And you would never pick their fetishes. It’s only when they choose to reveal them to another that their true nature is exposed.  I meet a range of people due to my involvement in the sex industry. There is no way I can be
judgemental after some of the kinky stuff I have done and enjoyed. Stones and glass houses. Live and let live is my motto as long as everything is safe, sane and consensual.

     When I began this project I had no idea how much fun it would be to investigate sex and sexuality from other viewpoints and individual situations.  It’s been very educational too. Some of these people I already knew and others I sought out for their unique take on different facets of intimacy or simply what gets them off. All of their names have been changed of course but their interviews, as bizarre as some of them are, are one hundred percent real. The interviewees include a sex change bondage and discipline Mistress, a real life slave, male clients of mine, another high class escort, a brothel receptionist, a street worker and her client, a man who loves transsexuals and carrots up his arse, a gay guy and a bisexual girl, a paraplegic, a nudist and a ‘rub and tug’ girl amongst others.

     Read about their thoughts, feelings, attitudes and difficulties with regards to expressing their sexuality. Some just want to get laid as often as possible by any means. Others are attempting to find true and lasting happiness. And the rest have specific needs that they struggle to meet. You may find a little piece of yourself in each of them.

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Love Play - 171 Barkly St, St Kilda

Here are a few snippets of what some of the interviewees had to say:

‘She was a petite, little thing and she liked group sex. The straighter they look the more kinky they are.’ ….Jack

‘There’s a feeling of shame….How did it get to the point where I have to pay for it?’ …..Shakespeare

‘Transitional and rooming houses are for the unfortunate in life….I saw stabbings. I saw a girl set on fire….She was conscious but too drugged up to help herself. She died.’ …Rose

‘I’ve been done once already….I was curb crawling in my car and I saw this hot chick with shorts on. Half her arse was hanging out… I called her over and she asked me what I was looking for, so I asked her what she was selling and she asked what I was looking for, so I said “sex”. Before I knew it half a dozen bloody coppers jumped out of nowhere with their badges and I was done.’ …Jeff

‘I didn’t change my gender. I just changed my body to match my gender. People confuse transgenders with cross dressers, drag queens and transvestites who change their genders for many purposes, either work or they just want to think of themselves as female. The look is on the outside. The word transgender used to be used to describe someone like myself but then the sex industry got a hold of it and now it is used for any chick with a dick. I call myself a sex change.’ …Mistress C

‘I’m Your slave Mistress…. I do house chores. I like being told what to do. Ordered around as a submissive.’ …slave

‘…a lot of gangster people like Crypts and Bloods and Black Power. I grew up around gangs.’ …Sebastian

‘He was an Asian lady-boy so he was very pretty. This was in Singapore. He presented as a female. I had him in the room before I even knew.’ …Frank


‘…I have met some very nice ladies who enjoy big dicks. Their husbands enjoyed watching.’ …Ron

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What readers are saying about Sex and Sexuality – The Interviews

‘Thank you for including the gay perspective in your book. It’s the best reasoning behind our lifestyle choices I’ve ever heard.’  Phil B, Sydney, Australia

‘This is much more than a book of smut. It’s an enlightening look into sex and sexuality from some pretty out there viewpoints. This book needed to be written.’ Sara M, Darwin, Australia

‘Every pot has its lid as my mother used to say. As out there as your kinky wants and needs may be you will find a sexual partner to fulfil them. Thank God for the internet.’ Pat W, York, England

‘I haven’t seen another book like it. Amazing how she gets the good stuff out of her interviewees.’ Debora A, Montana, USA

‘A non-discriminative look at some pretty bizarre characters. Are these her friends? What an interesting person Violet Ivy must be.’ Hal C, Chamonix, France

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