This is the story of my life. No ordinary life, but that was my choice. In fact I fought against an existence which would have been meat and three veg. I have used the gifts that God gave me and honed a few more to travel the world and meet myriad people that the ordinary housewife can only read about in gossip magazines. What makes me tick? What makes my clients do what they do? Their fantasies are my reality. Meet my co-workers and friends.
This book is not meant to shock or offend but to educate and entertain. If you are judgemental or moralistic keep moving. This book is not for you. For those of you who wish to join me on my life’s adventures, this is the first in a series of books about sex, fetishes and fantasies and how a little girl from a wheat and sheep farm in outback Australia came to be one of the world’s most infamous call girls.
Take control of your life or others will.
Violet Ivy xxx
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“Where does anyone’s story start? Does it begin on the day we are dragged into the world kicking and screaming? Is that the first taste of abuse, when fingers rove our little mouths and we are given a sharp slap on the arse to make us haul that first breath of the outside world into our fragile lungs? How do we become what we become? Every question leads to another question and every answer, to yet another question.
'But why daddy?'
'But why because?'
'Just because because darling.'
My first booking...
I know this is a defining moment in my life. How did I ever get to this point? On the edge, as a would-be-hooker, about to take money for sex. To sell myself for a fee. Compromise my innermost integrity? Lower myself to become one of those dirty whores? This client is a complete stranger. Haven't even met him, let alone had a beer with him. What if he’s ugly? Or obese and squashes me? Or doesn’t like me? Rejects me? Norm comes around to my side of the car, reaches in and takes my hand.
‘Come on dear. Time to go in.’
And then?....
The old saying that money doesn’t make you happy might be true but tell that to the person who is being thrown out of his house because he can’t make the payments or that mother who can’t afford to give Christmas presents to her kids again this year. I’ve been there. Unable to pay my rent and having the phone cut off. Money gave me choices. Options to choose how to travel on this journey we call life. Did I make some mistakes? Sure I did! But there is not too much I would take back. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and all that. Money gives you security. Poverty gives you ulcers. Lack of finances can also make you compromise yourself in ways that being a sex worker never will.
This job is not for everyone. It is an industry that eats its young and can damage those not strong enough to cope. Every worker has a different personality, head space, upbringing, personal history and therefore experience. This book is a glimpse of mine.
I'm a lucky girl. In my profession there are times when luck sits on your shoulder like a pirate’s parrot. Knowing you are lucky means never pushing it, always evaluating, not becoming complacent such that your guard is down. Never ever tell that lucky little voice whispering in your ear to shut up. The first rule of the Working Girl. Respect your luck.”
‘From the opening paragraph to the final words I was hooked, no pun intended. Frankly there is no other book like Lucky Girl whether one reaches for Diary of a Call Girl or The Happy Hooker. Well, there is one comparison...the work of Nancy Friday who wrote in a similar fashion. When one writes about bondage and discipline it is necessary to keep in mind the sensibilities of readers who may not understand these matters. For me it was an eye-opener. Lucky Girl gave me an understanding of B&D that now makes complete sense to me. People should read this and understand the life and mind of a sex worker. It becomes obvious very quickly that not all are uneducated drug addicts who can't hold down a job anywhere else. I look forward to the follow up books. Violet Ivy is a writer, and that is the highest praise any reviewer can give. To possess such talent suggests that Violet Ivy is indeed a Lucky Girl.’
Graham Whittaker, Author, The Girl from Kosovo‘…gripped me from the start …very readable, an honest account of someone 'who's been there'. An important work worth publication.’
Ruko Kitamaru, Author, No Ice Cream in the Land of the CannibalsAmazon
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Paperback version now available in Melbourne at;
Eagle Leather - 80 Hoddle St, Clifton Hills
Love Play - 171 Barkly St, St Kilda
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Just click on this link;What readers are saying about Lucky Girl – How I Survived the Sex Industry?
‘Is this woman real? She must be. You couldn’t make this story up. I feel that I know her, the way she thinks, her motivations. Can’t wait for the sequel.’….Mel H, Birmingham, England.
‘A real page turner.’…..George W, Ontario, Canada
‘More, more….more please! I got to the end and still wanted to keep reading. Fantastic!’ Irene K, Sydney, Australia
‘Very Belle de Jour.’ Fred C, Port Douglas, Australia
‘Good to see the Aussie perspective. You go girl! Can I take you out for a drink sometime? I know you’ve got more stories to tell.’ Dirk B, Brighton, England.
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